
Purchase today! Eight playful Gerbarian Shepksie puppies on sale now for 450$ each or best offer. These youthful pups (3 months old) are always ready to play and will surely show their owners a good time. The hearty cuties are sired from a Gerbarian Shepsky mother and father. In addition to their superior breeding they have a soft mottled beige, brown and black appearance complimented with floppy ears and warm welcoming eyes. The remaining ones are colored all black and are equally if not more cute than the rest! These dogs would be an excellent choice as the newest member of your family. . . . #puppy #puppies #dog #Shepskie #Huskie #GerbarianShepsky #puppylover #dogsforsale #puppiesforsale #puppiesonsale #puppies4sale #dogs4sale #doglife #doglover #doglovers #Gerbarianshepskys4sale #GerbarianShepskysforsale


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Tustin, California, US