
Sheamus is a very loving and playful 10 week old pup. He loves to sit on your lap and gnaw softly on your nose and ears🤣. He is pee pad trained and eats dry dog food, Rachel rays. He will come with some dog food and pee pads. He does not have his shots yet due to me living on a truck doing over the road trucking so I haven’t been able to get to a vet. Depending on what state you live in, I can deliver with a small delivery fee. Husky mix.


✅ Make sure you only PAY through Camlist, because:

1- You can pay in installments 💰 for any pet with 0% interest
2- Your payments are 100% SAFE 🤗 and protected from any scams
3- You can get FREE PET FOOD 💊 , offers on insurance, and some vet services for FREE!

➡️ Reach out to the Camlist support team to get more info about this awesome offer!



Columbus, Ohio, US