Browse popular pets for sale using the below categories:
Offers and deals
With every pet you buy, you get a discounted pet health insurance, free pet delivery, and free vet checks and vaccines.
Buyer Protection
When you buy any pet on Camlist, you are always 100% covered by our buyer protection program.
Pet financing and installments
You can buy any pet in the US and pay in installments. Get your dream pet now and enjoy flexible payments.
Why use Camlist
If you are buying a pet in the US, Camlist will help get an amazing deal. Including financing your pet, paying in installments, discounted health insurance plan, delivery through our pet transport partners a lot of FREE vouchers for health check, vaccination and deworming.
Browse pets by category
Whether you are looking for a special breed of dogs, cats, birds or even a pet accessory you can browse the categories below
Latest Additions
Here is a list of the most loved fur babies that joined our app.
Start Selling on Camlist
Yup, it’s totally FREE!
Sell with video
Shoot a video of the pet you want to rehome, video is easier to shoot and comes with voice and extra cuteness of your pet.
Chat privately with confidence!
You can chat directly with your buyers through the app, where they can send an offer, pay safely within the app.
Live video calls
You can start a video call with your buyer, where they can see the pet live without the need to visit your home.