
The standard poodle babies are 11 and 12 weeks old and they’re up to no good! Chewing on my sweatpants – at least they’re not trying to chew on my shoes. These adorable babies are looking for their new families! I have 3 females and 2 males left. 4 of them are AKcc registered and stripes is CKC. They are confident, friendly, well trained, loving, sweet, and so incredibly smart. Contact me for more info!


✅ Make sure you only PAY through Camlist, because:

1- You can pay in installments ? for any pet with 0% interest
2- Your payments are 100% SAFE ? and protected from any scams
3- You can get FREE PET FOOD ? , offers on insurance, and some vet services for FREE!

➡️ Reach out to the Camlist support team to get more info about this awesome offer!



Jacksonville, North Carolina, US