Still available! Buyer fell through. Great kitten. Born 3/31/23. Female Maine Coon, very playful, great with the dog and some experience with kids. Super cuddly and friendly. She loves attention, she is used to a harness and could be leash trained. Litter box trained. Comes with food, litter, litter box, toys, water/food bowl fountain, and a bed. Vet checked about a month and a half ago I believe. UTD on shots, she is NOT fixed or declawed. So breeding is optional. I do have her parents photos I believe as well as their wisdom panel showing they were both in good health/genetically. Only selling because my husbands allergies are too bad and we can’t keep her. She is the greatest and so sweet. I do not know how she reacts to other cats (don’t think it would be an issue given her temperament) she did take a couple days to adjust to the dog but as you can see in the photo they love to play together.
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